The District of Columbia Department of Mental Health, in partnership with the Department of Housing and Community Development, announces the availability of up to $2 million for the development of supportive housing units for the exclusive use of persons eligible to receive services from the public mental health system. DMH grant funds are designated for financing the acquisition, construction or rehabilitation of long-term permanent supportive housing.
The Department of Housing and Community Development has issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for new construction and rehabilitation projects in response to its notice of the availability of DMH grant funds and 9% Federal Low Income Tax Credits.
The RFP package is available in CD format at DHCD, 1800 Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue, SE (first floor security guard’s desk). The files also can be downloaded from the DHCD website at
Completed applications must be received by DHCD no later than 4 pm, Monday, May 18, 2009. Applications must be delivered to the DHCD Development Finance Division, 2nd Floor receptionist’s desk, 1800 Martin Luther King Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20020.
For additional information, please contact the DHCD Development Finance Division at (202) 442-7280.