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Department of Mental Health Announces Funding Availability for Supported Employment Expansion Initiative

Monday, May 20, 2013
Goal is to expand job opportunities for residents with mental illness

The Department of Mental Health (DMH) announces the availability of funding for a one time sub-grant to community based mental health providers certified as Supported Employment Program providers. The sub-grant of up to $22,685.00 will support the hiring of a full-time employment specialist to assist residents seeking employment who are referred within the DMH mental health provider network. The deadline for submitting an application is Friday, May 24, 2013.

To be eligible, an applicant must meet the following criteria:

  1. Be certified by DMH as both a Mental Health Rehabilitation Services provider and a Supported Employment Program provider;
  2. Demonstrate that its Supported Employment Program is operating at capacity— defined as twenty consumers served by each Employment Specialist—requiring additional to expand the number of consumers served, and
  3. Enter into a Grant Agreement with DMH and comply with the requirements that include adhering to the schedule for hiring an additional Employment Specialist, matching the DMH grant by paying for 50% or more of the new salary, and performing required monitoring and reporting.

If you have questions, please contact Steven Baker, DMH Supported Employment Program Manager, at [email protected] or (202) 673-7597.

To access mental health services, a District resident can call the Access Helpline at 1-888-793-4357 to talk to a mental health counselor or contact a provider directly from the list of certified providers.