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Department of Behavioral Health

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Department of Behavioral Health Sponsors Recovery Month Community Event

Tuesday, September 23, 2014
“Recovery: Reaching, Teaching and Healing our Communities”

WHAT/WHO: The District of Columbia Department of Behavioral Health is sponsoring a Recovery event to call attention to available prevention, treatment and recovery support services for a mental or substance use disorder and to celebrate the accomplishments of individuals in recovery. The DC Recovery Advisory Committee  is co-sponsoring the event.

WHEN: 10 am - 3 pm
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
WHY: The purpose of this event is to REACH persons who are struggling with mental and/or substance use disorders to TEACH them how and where to seek treatment and to support them through their recovery process. Hear from individuals in recovery, experts and community leaders. 
WHERE: Gateway DC Pavilion      
2700 Martin Luther King Avenue SE
Washington, DC  


The Department of Behavioral Health reports that during Fiscal Year 2013 about 30,000 District residents received treatment and support for a mental and/or substance use disorder. Yet, studies show that only a fraction of individuals with mental or substance use disorders receive the help they need. The Recovery event will call attention to available prevention, treatment and recovery support services. It also will highlight that behavioral health is essential to health, prevention works and treatment is effective.

The Department of Behavioral Health provides a range of mental health and substance use disorder services and supports for adults, children and youth including emergency mobile crisis services. Please call 1-888-793-4357 or go to for more information.

Sponsored by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Recovery Month, now in its 25th year, promotes the message that recovery is possible and also encourages citizens to take action to help expand and improve the availability of effective prevention, treatment, and recovery services.