(Washington, DC) Mental health professionals at the DC Department of Mental Health (DMH) Access HelpLine (1 (888) 7WE-HELP) are available to talk with children and adults about their concerns stemming from the recent random shootings that occurred in the metropolitan Washington region. The DMH Access HelpLine is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. More than 100 languages are spoken through a translation service. Just call 1 (888) 7WE-HELP.
People may call the Access HelpLine to:
- Get help with problem solving
- Share their concerns
- Determine if they want to seek mental health services or other types of services
"Our community is struggling to make sense of these senseless shootings, and the Department of Mental Health staff are available to help," said DMH Director Martha B. Knisley. "Today's shooting of a child in Prince George's County, whether it is part of the earlier random shootings or not, has raised everyone's anxiety levels about protecting our children and ourselves. We have staff who can talk with adults and children about their concerns. Also, if more assistance is needed, our staff can provide the links to those services."