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Department of Behavioral Health

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Office of Opioid Abatement


Landmark multi-settlement agreements are holding opioid manufacturers, and distributors who downplayed the risk of opioid addiction accountable for their role in creating the opioid epidemic. The District of Columbia will receive more than $80 million over the next 18 years from these settlements to help address the effects of the epidemic. The opioid settlement agreements contain certain requirements to ensure the funds are used to abate the harm caused by the opioid crisis and to ensure compliance with the agreements.

The Office of Opioid Abatement within the Department of Behavioral Health was established by the Opioid Litigation Proceeds Amendment Act of 2022 to issue, manage, and oversee awards and grants from the Opioid Abatement Fund (Fund; § 7–3213). The Fund receives lump sum or series of payments over time, pursuant to settlement and trust-distribution agreement entered in from cases between the District of Columbia and various pharmaceutical companies (§ 7–3221).

Quarterly Spending Report

Budget Category Approved Budget
Organizations First Quarter Obligations (Oct '23- Dec '23) Second Quarter Obligations (Jan '24- March '24)
Cumulative Obligations
PERSONNEL (SALARY) $416,000.00    $0 ($19,790.32)  ($19,790.32) $396,209.68 
PERSONNEL (FRINGE) $112,000.00   $0 ($3,770)  ($3,770) $108,230.21 

$20,000.00    $0 $0 $0 $20,000.00

Children's National Medical Center

Octane Public Relations










Grand Total $18,697,873.74    $0 ($657,586) ($657,586) $18,040,288 



Funding Opportunities

Please review the Request For Applications (RFA) linked below for more information about the targeted areas of focus. Questions related to the Impact Grant should be submitted via email to [email protected].

RFA: Opioid Strategic Impact Grant

The Office of Opioid Abatement announces that it is seeking applications from organizations working to combat the opioid epidemic in the District of Columbia. The focus of this funding opportunity is to allocate Opioid Settlement Funds strategically across the state to generate implementable, far-reaching solutions to combat District’s opioid crisis.
Application Release Date: May 1, 2024. See RFA for instructions.

RFA Components:

This grant application has a rolling deadline. This means that applications can be submitted at anytime up to Wednesday, June 12, 2024 at 12:00 PM. In addition, the review of the early applications will start much earlier than the final deadline date. Due to a large number of expected applications, we strongly encourage everyone to submit their application early, in order to be processed in a more timely fashion.