Providing an effective and safe substance abuse program for residents of the District of Columbia requires financial resources, strong fiscal oversight and regulatory compliance. With the support of its fiscal operations, certification and regulation functions as well as provider and professional staff training, APRA is able to provide a continuum of quailty prevention, on-demand treatment and recovery services to more than 4,000 District residents.
State 2014-2016 Block Grant Plan Application
Per Title XIX, Subpart III, section 1941 of the PHS Act (42 U.S.C. 300x-51), DOH/APRA is providing an opportunity for the public to provide comment on the State Block Grant Plan, by posting the plan to the DOH/APRA website for public review. The comments will be compiled and reviewed prior to the final application submission. As required, the final application will also remain on the website for 60 days after the submission. Contact Info: