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Department of Behavioral Health

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Transition of Consumers from the DC Community Services Agency

Transition of Consumers from the DC Community Services Agency

The transition of DC CSA consumers to community-based private providers is the first step of our plan to make the District’s mental health system stronger, more responsive, more accessible and better able to serve more District residents. This section is aimed at consumers and family members to help you or someone you care about transition to a new mental health provider. 

We recognize that this transition means real changes for consumers, but while there are challenges to doing this, we believe there also are enormous benefits. Please keep in mind that consumers will be transitioning to a strong network of providers [PDF] with long histories in the District serving individuals recovering from serious mental illness. If you are receiving housing benefits, they will be transitioned with you.

While we are committed to maintaining quality services to DC CSA consumers through the private providers, we also are strengthening our role as the state mental health monitoring authority, building a provider network that operates under one set of rules, expanding services and increasing the number of people eligible to receive them. 

We have set up a DC CSA Consumer Transition Information line to answer any questions you may have about the transition or where to go for help. That number is 1-888-793-4357. In addition, to keep our partners informed about the transition, we are posting a regular DC CSA Transition News Brief.

Update: The DC CSA transition was completed on March 31, 2010 [PDF] DMH has set up a vigorous monitoring system to ensure that consumers enrolled with community based providers continue to receive the services they want and need.  If you have questions or concerns about an individual consumer, please call 1-888-793-4357.